Sunday, September 7, 2014

Reflection on a major event

A major event that shaped my life happened during my National Service. On the day I was enlisted, I actually felt quite sad as I had to leave home to get adjusted to communal living.

After the first week, the feeling of homesick got worse, I was just quiet during the trainings and did the stupid things that our sergeants told us to. The period of the dreaded field camp had started and sessions of punishments and lacking of sleep had made me better treasure what I had at home, including my family members. Life in the army was monotonous and weekends were short.

Through this event, I learned to better cherish what I had at home and I would try my best to better understand the pains of other people rather than just complaining or reprimand people without learning about the person's history. I guess people only would start to treasure what they had after losing it. Although national service in my opinion is a waste of time, I benefited from it in some ways whilst getting out of my comfort zone and did things that I never had the chance to do as a civilian.

As a military personnel, I did many risky activities pertaining to my vocation in the army. As an armored engineer, some of the activities that I did in army includes handling of demolitions, riding a Chinook (A type of transport helicopter), driving an Armored vehicle across the river and the construction of mine fields. All of which might not be possible as a civilian.

Overall, National Service has given me a good mixture of positive and negative experience, each of it contribute to my experience in the army. My life would never be the same without National Service.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you, Louis, for this concise but fluent post about your NS experience. You make it clear that being away from your family was a bit traumatic for you. What is not so clear is the things you did that you never had the chance to do as a civilian. What did you do?

    1. Ouch. I made a grammar mistake: What is not so clear is the things … > What is not so clear are the things ...

  3. Hi Brad,

    I made more elaborations to my reflection!


  4. Hi Louis,

    Spotted some mistakes in your post!
    - "try my best to... rather than just complaining or reprimand..." - should be reprimanding to be parallel to 'complaining'
    - "some of the activities i did in army includes... handling... driving... riding... construction of mine fields " - i think you should use 'include' after 'did', and 'constructing' to be parallel with the previous words

    Otherwise, it's a pretty nice and summarised blog post which gave insights into your NS life as an armoured engineer (as I am quite clueless about what NS men do in different vocations). Thanks! :)
